Our team


In charge of the administration, I ensure that the school runs smoothly on a daily basis and accompany the teams on the other side of the curtain!
Maintaining a quality link with each family is one of my priorities !



Present in class and in the office (Co-direction Trotteurs), I support the team with which everything is done to guarantee a quality of supervision and the development of your children.
I work closely with the families in the interests of the children !


As an English-speaking Montessori educator, I have been passionate about this age from my first days in the classroom. I firmly believe that the first three years are a rich mix of learning and development, requiring confidence, intuition and a constant willingness to learn. Recognising the uniqueness of each child, my overriding mission is to accompany them, in harmony, according to their own rhythm and uniqueness


Convinced by Maria Montessori’s pedagogy in my role as a mother to my two children, it is quite natural that I wished to make it my profession by passing my Montessori assistant diploma. Thus, I have the great opportunity to accompany your children while respecting their rhythm and their needs. I like to tell them stories, sing with them, and make little crafts. My greatest wish: that children can grow and develop in all serenity!


Ever since my studies as a child educator, I’ve always found myself in the values of the Montessori pedagogy. Today, I’m delighted to be joining the great toddlers’ team and accompanying children through their first years of life. I’m patient and gentle, and my aim is to provide caring support and meet the needs of each child to ensure that they flourish.


3 - 6 years old group

I have always had this pedagogical fibre to pass on, to the great displeasure of my little brothers… After studying to become a Physical and Sports Education teacher and then a School Teacher, I turned in 2007 to Montessori pedagogy, which corresponds in all respects to my values !
My priority: the well-being of everyone involved in our little family school !


Young, dynamic and smiling, I have enjoyed accompanying your children for more than 5 years. I obtained my CFC as a socio-educational assistant by following my apprenticeship at this school. Since then, I have worked in the small group and I am currently in the big group as an assistant.


Interested in Montessori Pedagogy, I have never stopped putting it into practice with my 2 children. In 2013, I start training as a Montessori assistant in Geneva. I arrived at L’Idylle in 2018 and, thanks to her support, I am now training to become a Montessori Educator in London. With a calm and open nature, I am happy to be able to evolve with your children, to be a caring guide and model and to continue to learn through them.


The Montessori method is my way of life, while being a Montessori teacher is the most rewarding vocation. I am glad and honoured L’Idylle is my Montessori home.
My main aim, is to provide the best opportunities for children’s holistic development, enabling them to reach their full potential and scaffold their efforts to attain maturity, as well as, to support their carers. I am a kind, caring, patient and enthusiastic Montessori teacher with over 17 years of experience in teaching and creative children’s activities in a wide variety of schools, events, homes and establishments.



Calm, gentle and attentive to the needs of the children, I mainly take care of the ends of the day.
As a sports instructor and socio-educational assistant, I offer the children rich and varied activities while waiting for the evening reunion!


In addition to assisting the 3-6 years old team, I also take care of the ends of the day with Florence!


Thank you for your confidence